
RIF is a command-line tool and associated template file-format for storing, making and sharing HTTP requests. With RIF you can create a .rif template file that contains all the details and parameters of a HTTP request you frequently have to make (e.g. if you are testing a HTTP API). You can then use RIF to fire off that request with the desired parameters quickly and easily.

Why RIF?


As a developer, RIF will allow you to take the repetitive strain out of interacting with and testing HTTP APIs. You will be able to replay complex HTTP requests with a single command instead of meticulously hand-editing cURL snippets or hunting through your bash history.

QA Engineers

As a QA engineer, RIF will allow you to collaborate with developers on .rif request templates. This will speed up any manual API testing by allowing you to focus on changing request parameters and finding bugs rather than working out the details of individual requests.

Where next?

Why not check out the Quickstart guide?