
Quick Install/Upgrade

MacOS (64bit)

To install/upgrade RIF on MacOS use the RIF brew tap:

brew install jonathanlloyd/rif/rif

Linux (64bit)

To install/upgrade RIF on a standard 64bit linux install, run the following in your shell:

curl -Lo rif.tar $(curl 2>/dev/null | grep -o http[^[:space:]]*linux_amd64\.tar\.gz) 2>/dev/null && tar -xf rif.tar rif && chmod +x rif && sudo mv rif /usr/local/bin/rif && rm ./rif.tar && rif --help && rif --version

Verifying Your Installation

To verify that you have installed RIF correctly, run the following command in your terminal:

$ rif --version

If RIF is correctly installed you should see the version and build number printed to the screen:

Version: <expected version number>
Build: <build number>

Manual Install (other platforms)

RIF is distributed as a single binary executable. To install it all you need to do is download the correct binary from the downloads page and put it somewhere in your path.

Supported Platforms



  • If you are running a 64bit system:
    • rif_<version>_darwin_amd64.tar.gz
  • If you are running a 32bit system:
    • rif_<version>_darwin_386.tar.gz


Extract the appropriate binary and add it to a directory in your path. We recommend that you put it in /user/local.



  • If you are running a 64bit system:
    • rif_<version>_linux_amd64.tar.gz
  • If you are running a 32bit system:
    • rif_<version>_linux_386.tar.gz


Extract the appropriate binary and add it to a directory in your path. We recommend that you put it in /usr/local/bin.



  • If you are running a 64bit system:
    • rif_<version>_windows_amd64.tar.gz
  • If you are running a 32bit system:
    • rif_<version>_windows_386.tar.gz


Extract the appropriate binary and add it to a directory in your path. We recommend that you put it in c:\RIF and add this directory to your path.